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Hannah More Quotes

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    Hannah More on:    

Absence in love is like water upon fire; a little quickens, but much extinguishes it.

    Topics: Love

So weak is man, so ignorant and blind, that did not God sometimes withhold in mercy what we ask, we should be ruined at our own request.

    Topics: Mercy

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

    Topics: Perseverance, Goals

Prayer is not eloquence, but earnestness; not the definition of helplessness, but the feeling of it; not figures of speech, but earnestness of soul.

    Topics: Prayer

The secret heart is devotion's temple; there the saint lights the flame of purest sacrifice, which burns unseen but not unaccepted.

    Topics: Reasoning, The Heart, Sacrifice

A sound economy is a sound understanding brought into action. It is calculation realized; it is the doctrine of proportion reduced to practice; it is foreseeing contingencies and providing against them; it is expecting contingencies and being prepared for them.

    Topics: Reasoning, Doctrine

Genius without religion is only a lamp on the outer gate of a palace; it may serve to cast a gleam of light on those that are without, while the inhabitant sits in darkness.

    Topics: Religion, Light

The world does not require so much to be informed as reminded.

    Topics: Repentance

Our infinite obligations to God do not fill our hearts half as much as a petty uneasiness of our own; nor his infinite perfections as much as our smallest wants.

    Topics: Selfishness

Depart from discretion when it interferes with duty.

    Topics: Service, Discretion

It is doing some service to humanity, to amuse innocently. They know but little of society who think we can bear to be always employed, either in duties or meditation, without relaxation.

    Topics: Service, Laziness, Meditation

Adulation is the death of virtue. Who flatters, is, of all mankind, the lowest, save he who courts the flattery.

    Topics: Virtue

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