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Joy Quotes

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Oh, what great happiness and bliss, what exaltation it is to address oneself to the Eternal Father. Always, without fail, value this joy which has been accorded to you by God's infinite grace.

    Author: John of Kronstadt

He who searches for Divine Reality with all his heart and soul and finds it, becomes aware that, before he began to seek God, God was seeking him, in order to draw him into the joy of fellowship with Him, into the peace of His Presence.

    Author: Sadhu Sundar Singh

You may be lonely, poor, and cold, neglected by the children, forgotten by your friends, yet may have the glad Christmas joy in your heart as Paul had, shut up in prison cells at Rome!

    Author: John R. Rice

We rejoice in spite of our grief, not in place of it.

    Author: Woodrow Kroll

There is no virtue in the Christian life which is not made radiant with joy; there is no circumstance and no occasion which is not illuminated with joy. A joyless life is not a Christian life, for joy is one constant recipe for Christian living.

    Author: William Barclay
    Source: Flesh and Spirit

There is no joy in the world like the joy of bringing one soul to Christ.

    Author: William Barclay

Joy has nothing to do with material things, or with a man's outward circumstance ... a man living in the lap of luxury can be wretched, and a man in the depths of poverty can overflow with joy.

    Author: William Barclay

The only lasting and fully satisfying joys for any man lie on the other side of a cross.

    Author: Walter J. Chantry
    Source: The Shadow of the Cross - Studies in Self-Denial

Most of those who fail to experience the joy of the Lord have refused to take up a cross!

    Author: Walter J. Chantry

Happiness is untested delight. Joy is delight tested.

    Author: Jack Hyles

Back of the clouds, the sun is always shining.

    Author: Jack Hyles

There is no greater joy in the Christian life than to trust Him and need no explanation.

    Author: Jack Hyles

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