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Perseverance Quotes

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Dead fish go with the stream, living ones against it.

    Author: William Tiptaft

The rougher the file--the less the rust.

    Author: William Tiptaft

Most true is it that what costs little is worth little! A religion which costs us nothing, and consist in nothing but hearing sermons, will always prove at last to be a useless thing.

    Author: J.C. Ryle
    Source: Commentary, Matthew 7.

I believe in what John Wesley used to say, "All at it, and always at it," and that is what the Church wants to-day.

    Author: D.L. Moody

There is a Sense of Sight in the religious nature. Neglect this, leave it undeveloped, and you never miss it. You simply see nothing. But develop it and you see God.

    Author: Henry Drummond
    Source: Natural Law, Degeneration, p. 118.

The choicest believers, who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of sin, ought yet to make it their business all their days to [put to death] the indwelling power of sin.

    Author: John Owen
    Source: Temptation and Sin.

To continual watchfulness and prayer ought to be added continual employment. For grace flies a vacuum as well as nature; and the devil fills whatever God does not fill.

    Author: John Wesley

A constant attention to the work which God entrusts us with is a mark of solid piety.

    Author: John Wesley

There is a difference between a fleshly stubbornness and a godly perseverance. The former insists on getting one's will done in heaven, and the latter determines to get God's will done on earth.

    Author: William Thrasher

Perseverance in prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance but rather laying hold of God's willingness. Our sovereign God has purposed to sometimes require persevering prayer as the means to accomplish His will.

    Author: William Thrasher

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