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Power Quotes

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In this atmosphere, where everything is believed and anything is believable, at least to someone, nothing can act as a norm. All that is left is power. And, in a fallen world, we do well to be cautious when all there is, is power.

    Author: David F. Wells
    Source: The Courage to Be Protestant

[The Reformers] granted that personal experience is powerful because it is intense, but they insisted that we should not allow this power to delude us into thinking that experience is always right.

    Author: David F. Wells
    Source: No Place for Truth

If your life is an uphill slope, set your sails to catch God's power.

    Author: Woodrow Kroll

With the power of God within us, we need never fear the powers around us.

    Author: Woodrow Kroll

The Pentecostal power, when you sum it all up, is just more of God's love. If it does not bring more love, it is simply a counterfeit.

    Author: William J. Seymour

Only in the Cross of Christ will we receive power when we are powerless. We will find strength when we are weak. We will experience hope when our situation is hopeless. Only in the Cross is there peace for our troubled hearts.

    Author: Michael Youssef

The power of the Holy Spirit is completely opposite to the world's power. The power of the Holy Spirit gives God's children the ability to serve His purpose for our lives. The Holy Spirit's power is unlike any other in the world. Only the power of the Holy Spirit can transform us, relieve our guilt, and heal our souls.

    Author: Michael Youssef

God's mighty power comes when God's people learn to walk with God.

    Author: Jack Hyles

It is easy to magnify human personality and agencies. Prayer recognizes that God is the source of life and light and energy.

    Author: John R. Mott

If added power attends the united prayer of two or three, what mighty triumphs there will be when hundreds of thousands of consistent members of the Church are with one accord day by day making intercession for the extension of Christ's Kingdom.

    Author: John R. Mott

A necessary pre-cursor of any great spiritual awakening is a spirit of deep humiliation growing out of a consciousness of sin, and fresh revelation of the holiness and power and glory of God.

    Author: John R. Mott

From the day of Pentecost until the present time, it has been necessary to be of one accord in prayer before the Spirit of God will work with mighty converting power.

    Author: John R. Mott

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