Whether we think of; or speak to, God, whether we act or suffer for him, all is prayer, when we have no other object than his love, and the desire of pleasing him. Author: John Wesley |
All that a Christian does, even in eating and sleeping, is prayer, when it is done in simplicity, according to the order of God, without either adding to or diminishing from it by his own choice. Author: John Wesley |
Prayer continues in the desire of the heart, though the understanding be employed on outward things. Author: John Wesley |
He has told us to pray, 'Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven' (Matthew 6:10). And if we have ever prayed that prayer and meant it--even once--we have ourselves shut the door on thousands of things for which we might foolishly ask. Author: Tom Wells Source: A Vision for Missions, p. 30. |
To pray in the Holy Spirit simply means to lean upon His divine help as we pray. Author: William Thrasher |
Without prayer the study of Scripture can turn into a merely intellectual exercise. Prayer without Scripture will lack needed motivation and guidance. Author: William Thrasher |
The discipline of time alone with God should not be looked at as another thing to put on your "to do" list. This attitude will only lead to resentment from the added pressure that it produces. It should be viewed as a gift from a gracious and kind God. He cares so much for you and me that He is not just interested in our accomplishments but also in shepherding our hearts. Author: William Thrasher |
Prayer is not attempting to get our will done in heaven but His will done on earth. Author: William Thrasher |
Perseverance in prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance but rather laying hold of God's willingness. Our sovereign God has purposed to sometimes require persevering prayer as the means to accomplish His will. Author: William Thrasher |
Prayer is helplessness plus faith. Author: William Thrasher |
It was a great breakthrough to realize that God was not necessarily leading me to pray for everything with equal intensity. To try to do so will kill a prayer life. To learn to let God set the agenda of our prayer life will resurrect it. Author: William Thrasher |
As we seek to obey the Spirit's guidance in prayer, let me tell you what will often happen - nothing! But sometimes "nothing" means that the Spirit desires to slow us down and lead us into silence. Our society is addicted to noise, and for that reason we are often insensitive to the Spirit of God. Author: William Thrasher |