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Sin Quotes

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    Sin quotes by:    

Will the sin of this nation stir us? We are a part of this day and time. We have a job to do. We ought to be stirred in our souls against sin and condemn it in every sermon. In every way possible, let people know your attitude.

    Author: Lee Roberson

Let us remember how many Christian students there are who, by inconsistent and sinful lives and practices, are dragging the banner of Christ in the dust.

    Author: John R. Mott

Sin will keep you from this Book or this Book will keep you from sin.

    Author: D.L. Moody

Sin comes when we take a perfectly natural desire or longing or ambition and try desperately to fulfill it without God. Not only is it sin, it is a perverse distortion of the image of the Creator in us. All these good things, and all our security, are rightly found only and completely in Him.

    Author: Augustine
    Source: The Confessions of Saint Augustine.

Look into the preaching Jesus did and you will find it was aimed straight at the big sinners on the front seats.

    Author: Billy Sunday

The basic premise of the Constitution was a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances because man was perceived as a fallen creature and would always yearn for more power.

    Author: Judge Roy Moore

It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us.

    Author: C.S. Lewis

As the salt flavors every drop in the Atlantic, so does sin affect every atom of our nature. It is so sadly there, so abundantly there, that if you cannot detect it, you are deceived.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

I believe that gluttony is as much a sin in the sight of God as drunkenness.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Source: Sermons, 59.134, 135.

I must confess that I never realize Christ's preciousness so much as when I feel myself still to be, apart from Him, an undeserving, hell-deserving sinner.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

If I had a brother who had been murdered, what would you think of me if I...daily consorted with the assassin who drove the dagger into my brother's heart; surely I too must be an accomplice in the crime. Sin murdered Christ; will you be a friend to it? Sin pierced the heart of the Incarnate God; can you love it?"

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

If there be a man before me who says that the wrath of God is too heavy a punishment for his little sin, I ask him, if the sin be little, why does he not give it up?

    Author: Charles Spurgeon

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