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Thomas Watson Quotes

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    Thomas Watson on:    

Behold, what manner of love is this, that Christ should be arraigned and we adorned, that the curse should be laid on His head and the crown set on ours.

    Topics: Forgiveness

Our forgiving others is not a cause of God's forgiving us, but it is a condition without which He will not forgive us (Mt. 6:12).

    Topics: Forgiveness
    Source: The Lord's Prayer, 1692.

We need not climb up into heaven to see whether our sins are forgiven: let us look into our hearts, and see if we can forgive others. If we can, we need not doubt but God as forgiven us.

    Topics: Forgiveness
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

To serve God, to love God, to enjoy God, is the sweetest freedom in the world.

    Topics: Freedom

Doth God give us a Christ, and will he deny us a crust? If God doth not give us what we crave, He will give us what we need.

    Topics: God, Grace

God's center is everywhere, His circumference nowhere.

    Topics: God
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

The glory of God is a silver thread which must run through all of our actions.

    Topics: God

Godliness is the curious embroidery and workmanship of the Holy Ghost: a soul furnished with godliness is damasked with beauty, and enamelled with purity: this is the "clothing of wrought gold" which makes the King of heaven fall in love with us.

    Topics: Godliness

A man adopts one for his son and heir that does not at all resemble him; but whosoever God adopts for His child is like Him; he not only bears His heavenly Father's name, but His image (Col. 3:10).

    Topics: Godliness
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

God has given us two ears, but one tongue, to show that we should be swift to hear, but slow to speak. God has set a double fence before the tongue, the teeth and the lips, to teach us to be wary that we offend not with our tongue.

    Topics: Gossip, The Tongue

None so empty of grace as he that thinks he is full.

    Topics: Grace

It is a sign the oil of grace hath been poured into the heart "when the oil of gladness" shines on the countenance. Cheerfulness credits religion.

    Topics: Grace, Cheerfulness

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