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Thomas Watson Quotes

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    Thomas Watson on:    

A humble sinner is in a better condition than a proud angel.

    Topics: Humility
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Idleness tempts the devil to tempt.

    Topics: Idleness
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Whoever is afraid of submitting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with truth.

    Topics: Ignorance, Truth

He sheds tears for those that shed His blood.

    Topics: jesus
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

When a man has judged himself, Satan is put out of office. When he lays anything to a saint's charge, he is able to retort and say, "It is true, Satan, I am guilty of these sins, but I have judged myself already for them; and having condemned myself in the lower court of conscience, God will acquit me in the upper court of heaven.

    Topics: Judging
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

God does not justify us because we are worthy, but by justifying us make us worthy.

    Topics: Justification
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

It is absurd to imagine that God should justify a people and not sanctify them, He should justify a people whom He could not glorify.

    Topics: Justification, Sanctification
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Men could be content to have the kingdom of Heaven; but they are loathe to fight for it. They choose rather to go in a feather bed to Hell than to be carried to Heaven in a 'fiery chariot' of zeal and violence.

    Topics: Laziness

Love is the only thing in which we can retaliate with God. If God be angry with us, we must not be angry again; if He chide us, we must not chide Him again; but if God loves us, we must love Him again. There is nothing in which we can answer God again, but love. We must not give Him word for word, but we must give Him love for love.

    Topics: Love, Anger
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

We may force our Lord to punish us, but we will never have to force Him to love us. That's His nature.

    Topics: Love, God

I will conclude with that excellent saying of Bernard: "Lord, I will never come away from Thee without Thee." Let this be a Christian's resolution, not to leave off his meditations of God till he find something of God in him.

    Topics: Meditation
    Source: A Puritan Golden Treasury

Meditate on what you read (Psm. 199:15). The Hebrew word for "meditate" means to be intense in the mind. Meditation without reading is wrong and bound to err; reading without meditation is barren and fruitless.

    Topics: Meditation

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