Many cases can be cited to illustrate how the Lord's people are entangled in "organization," to the detriment of their life. Topics: Life |
The nature of God's love is unchangeable. Ours alternates all to readily. If it is our habit to love God with our own affection we shall turn cold towards Him whenever we are unhappy. Topics: Love, God |
An affection which is not inspired by the Lord will soon be transformed into lust. Samson is not alone in the history of man in failing in this regard. Delilah is still cutting the hair of man today! Topics: Lust |
the character of the world is morally different from the Spirit-imparted life we have received from God. Topics: Morality |
He can only keep those who have handed themselves over to Him. Topics: Obedience |
God's means of delivering us from sin is not by making us stronger and stronger, but by making us weaker and weaker. Topics: Obedience |
If we wish to live out the life of the body of Christ we must cover our own head; that is to say, we must not have our personal opinion, egoistic will or selfish thought. We can only obey the Lord and let Him be the Head. Topics: Obedience |
The obedience of the Christian to God ought to be unconditional. Topics: Obedience |
The right attitude is this: that I have my own will, yet I will the will of God. Topics: Obedience, Attitude |
God gives His Own Self totally to us that we may offer ourselves completely to Him. Topics: Obedience |
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world." You have an anointing from the Holy One: live by it! Give yourself to God; live for him wholly and utterly; see to it that, where you personally are concerned, the things of this world are scored off Satan's books and transferred to God's account. Topics: Obedience |
On at least four separate occasions and recorded in the four Gospels the Lord Jesus called His disciples to deny their soul life, deliver it to death, and then to follow Him. Topics: Obedience |