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Apathy Quotes

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I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell.

    Author: William Booth

It is a sad day for any congregation when those who compose it can be counted on to be there at the social function, there at the place of business, but cannot be counted on when the interests of the Kingdom are at stake and when the Son of God goes forth to war.

    Author: Clovis G. Chappell

We are never defeated unless we give up on God.

    Author: Ronald Reagan

A hermit who has been shut up in his cell in a college has contracted a sort of mould and rust upon his soul.

    Author: Isaac Watts

Some persons believe everything that their kindred, their parents, and their tutors believe. The veneration and the love which they have for their ancestors incline them to swallow down all their opinions at once, without examining what truth or falsehood there is in them. Men take their principles by inheritance, and defend them as they would their estates, because they are born heirs to them.

    Author: Isaac Watts

Has life become so filled with efforts to cover every financial contingency, to realize one's full earthly potential, and finally to retire comfortably, that without realizing it we are finding our hope in this world rather than in God?

    Author: Dave Hunt

The average person who claims to believe in God (as does the vast majority in America) is too preoccupied with himself to give God much time or serious thought.

    Author: Dave Hunt

How much of these destructive elements, esteemed by men, does the devil bring into the church, until all the high, unworldly and holy aims, and heavenly objects of the church are retired and forgotten?

    Author: E.M. Bounds

Today, few Americans are aware of the spiritual epidemic that wiped out the land of our Christian forefathers. Even fewer are aware that the same epidemic has reached our own shores, spreading like a virus.

    Author: Ken Ham

There are many who stumble in the noon-day, not for want of light, but for want of eyes.

    Author: John Newton

Today, we have a Christianity made easy as an accommodation to an age that is unwilling to face the implication of Calvary, and the gospel of 'simply believism' has produced a harvest of professions which have done untold harm to the cause of Christ.

    Author: Duncan Campbell

How easy it is to live more or less in the enjoyment of God's free grace, and yet not realize that we are called to fulfill a divinely appointed purpose.

    Author: Duncan Campbell

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