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Watchman Nee Quotes

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    Watchman Nee on:    

Though he may not yet fully experience the meaning of the death of the Lord Jesus, God nevertheless has made him alive together with Christ and he has obtained a new life in the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus. This is new birth.

    Topics: Conversion, Resurrection

We should realize that the Bible never tells us to have ourselves crucified; it informs us only that we "were crucified."

    Topics: Conversion, The Bible

His spirit shall remain forever dead unless he confesses that everything pertaining to man is useless and unless he stands in the place of death with the Lord Jesus and accepts His life.

    Topics: Conversion

There is nothing more tragic than to come to the end of life and know we have been on the wrong course.

    Topics: Death

Death of the spirit is the cessation of its communication with God. Death of the body is the cutting off of communication between spirit and body.

    Topics: Death

Not until the work in hand has failed and we are despised and rejected shall we begin to discern the intent of our heart.

    Topics: Discernment, The Heart

When a Christian does not repel the thoughts which originate with evil spirits he affords them a base for working.

    Topics: Discretion

We must have a spirit of power towards the enemy, a spirit of love towards men, and a spirit of self-control towards ourselves.

    Topics: Discretion, Power, Self-control

The believer's experience is consequently a rather complex matter. It is imperative that we determine for ourselves whether we have been delivered from the base and the ignoble.

    Topics: Discretion

Christians should not be content merely with knowing mentally the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as given in the Bible; they also need to know Him experimentally.

    Topics: Doctrine, Holy Spirit, The Bible

Eternal life means more than mere future blessing to be enjoyed by believers; it is equally a kind of spiritual ability.

    Topics: Eternal Life, The Future, Blessings

Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.

    Topics: Eternity, The Cross, Resurrection

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