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Woodrow Kroll Quotes

Page 8 of 11

    Woodrow Kroll on:    

Prayer is never complete until God has answered.

    Topics: Prayer

Prayer only works when the channels are open.

    Topics: Prayer

The prayer is up to us; the answer is up to God.

    Topics: Prayer

There cannot be an answer until there is a prayer.

    Topics: Prayer

Don't settle for fast food when you can feast at God's banquet.

    Topics: Prosperity

The God who knows you best knows the best for you.

    Topics: Providence

The world offers a cistern; Christ offers a well.

    Topics: Providence

What god supplies, we must apply.

    Topics: Providence

When God closes a door, He always opens a window.

    Topics: Providence

What's done in secret is never a secret to God.

    Topics: Rebellion

Keep looking up. Your redemption is drawing near.

    Topics: Redemption

If you're going in the wrong direction, turning around is the only right direction.

    Topics: Renewal

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