Christian Quotes SearchFound 2 topics matching your search: Faith Faithful
Found 100 quotes matching your search: Faith must have adequate evidence, else it is mere superstition. Author: A.A. Hodge Topics: Faith | Temptation exercises our faith and teaches us to pray. Author: A.B. Simpson Topics: Temptation | You must have faith in God. Author: A.B. Simpson Topics: Faith | Difficulties and obstacles are God's challenges to faith. When hindrances confront us in the path of duty, we are to recognize them as vessels for faith to fill with the fullness and all-sufficiency of Jesus. Author: A.B. Simpson Topics: Faith | God has His spiritual splints that He wants to put upon His children and keep them quiet and unmoved until they pass the first stage of faith. Author: A.B. Simpson Topics: Faith | You will have no test of faith that will not fit you to be a blessing if you are obedient to the Lord. I never had a trial but when I got out of the deep river I found some poor pilgrim on the bank that I was able to help by that very experience. Author: A.B. Simpson Topics: Trials |
| We need a quickening of faith; faith in the power of the God of Pentecost to convict and convert three thousand in a day. Faith, not in a process of culture by which we hope to train children into a state of salvation, but faith in the mighty God who can quicken a dead soul into life in a moment; faith in moral and spiritual revolution rather than evolution. Author: A.C. Dixon Topics: Faith, Salvation | There is still One whose faith in you has never wavered. And how wonderful it is that that one should be Jesus Christ! It was a wonderful dream God dreamed, Christ says, when He created you; it was a stately being that was in His mind when you were fashioned; and I can make you all He meant that you should be. Author: A.J. Gossip Topics: Jesus, Creation | By faith we are taken into Christ, made at once safe from holy wrath against sin, and kept safe from all perils and penalties. He, our divine Redeemer, becomes to us the new sphere of harmony and unity with God and His law, with His life and His holiness. Author: A.T. Pierson Topics: Faith, Redemption | Daily living by faith on Christ is what makes the difference between the sickly and the healthy Christian, between the defeated and the victorious saint. Author: A.W. Pink Topics: Faith, Victory | Like the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and the miraculous birth of our Savior, the truth of election must be received with simple, unquestioning faith. Author: A.W. Pink Topics: Faith, Doctrine, The Trinity | Faith endures as seeing Him who is invisible; endures the disappointments, the hardships, and the heart-aches of life, by recognizing that all comes from the hand of Him who is too wise to err and too loving to be unkind. Author: A.W. Pink Topics: Faith | So long as we are occupied with any other object than God Himself, there will be neither rest for the heart nor peace for the mind. But when we receive all that enters our lives as from His hand, then, no matter what may be our circumstances or surroundings--whether in a hovel or prison-dungeon, or at a martyr's stake--we shall be enabled to say, " The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places" (Ps. 16:6). But that is the language of faith, not of sight nor of sense. Author: A.W. Pink Topics: Faith | It is only in proportion as the Christian manifests the fruit of a genuine conversion that he is entitled to regard himself and be regarded by others as one of the called and elect of God. It is just in proportion as we add to our faith the other Christian graces that we have solid ground on which to rest in the assurance we belong to the family of Christ. It is not those who are governed by self-will, but "as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom. 8:14). Author: A.W. Pink Topics: Conversion | "Let God be true but every man a liar" is the language of true faith. Author: A.W. Tozer Topics: Faith, Truth | The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to obedience, nor does it recognize any obedience that does not spring from faith. The two are at opposite sides of the same coin. Author: A.W. Tozer Source: Leadership, v. 12, n. 4. Topics: The Bible, Obedience | The faith of Christ offers no buttons to push for quick service. The new order must wait the Lord's own time, and that is too much for the man in a hurry. He just gives up and becomes interested in something else. Author: A.W. Tozer Topics: Apathy | True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie. It is enough that God has said it. Author: A.W. Tozer Topics: Faith | Every science in a certain degree starts from faith, and, on the contrary, faith, which does not lead to science, is mistaken faith or superstition, but real, genuine faith it is not. Author: Abraham Kuyper Topics: Faith | When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith. Author: Abraham Kuyper Topics: Obedience | It is not your idea, not your understanding, not your thinking, not your reasoning, not even your profession of faith, that here can quench the thirst. The home-sickness goes out after God Himself... it is not the name of God but God Himself whom your soul desires and cannot do without. Author: Abraham Kuyper Topics: God | I believe that a great number of people are going to die and go to hell because they're counting on their religiosity in the church instead of their relationship with Jesus to get them to heaven. They give lip service to repentance and faith, but they've never been born again. Author: Adrian Rogers Topics: Hell, Religion, Self-righteousness | There's some task which the God of all the universe, the great Creator, your redeemer in Jesus Christ has for you to do, and which will remain undone and incomplete until by faith and obedience you step into the will of God. Author: Alan Redpath Topics: Obedience, Redemption | Faith is two empty hands held open to receive all of the Lord. Author: Alan Redpath Topics: Faith | When life has been well spent; when there is a conscience without reproach; when there is faith in the Saviour; when there is a well-founded hope of heaven, there can be nothing that should disquiet us. Author: Albert Barnes Topics: Life | Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals. Author: Albert Schweitzer Topics: Morality, Responsibility | The true confidence which is faith in Christ, and the true diffidence which is utter distrust of myself--are identical. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | If life has not made you by God's grace, through faith, holy--think you, will death without faith do it? The cold waters of that narrow stream are no purifying bath in which you may wash and be clean. No! no! as you go down into them, you will come up from them. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Death, Faith | Faith does not grasp a doctrine, but a heart. The trust which Christ requires is the bond that unites souls with Him; and the very life of it is entire committal of myself to Him in all my relations and for all my needs, and absolute utter confidence in Him as all sufficient for everything that I can require. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith, Commitment | Faith is the sight of the inward eye. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | So for us, the condition and preparation on and by which we are sheltered by that great hand, is the faith that asks, and the asking of faith. We must forsake the earthly props, but we must also believingly desire to be upheld by the heavenly arms. We make God responsible for our safety when we abandon other defense, and commit ourselves to Him. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | There can be no faith so feeble that Christ does not respond to it. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | Faith has in it the recognition of the certainty and the justice of a judgment that is coming down crashing on every human head; and then from the midst of these fears and sorrows and the tempest of that great darkness there rises up in the night of terrors the shining of one perhaps pale, quivering, distant, but divinely given hope, "My Saviour! My Saviour! He is righteous; He has died; He lives! I will stay no longer; I will cast myself upon Him! Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | If our faith in God is not the veriest sham, it demands, and will produce, the abandonment sometimes, the subordination always, of eternal helps and material good. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | Logically, faith comes first, and love next; but in life they will spring up together in the soul; the interval which separates them is impalpable, and in every act of trust, love is present; and fundamental to every emotion of love to Christ is trust in Christ. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith, Love | Nothing but Christian faith gives to the furthest future the solidity and definiteness which it must have if it is to be a breakwater for us against the fluctuating sea of present cares and thoughts. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | That is faith, cleaving to Christ, twining round Him with all the tendrils of our heart, as the vine does round its support. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | The act of faith, which separates us from all men, unites us for the first time in real brotherhood; and they who, one by one, come to Jesus and meet Him alone, next find that they are come to the city of God "and to an innumerable company." Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith, Unity | Faith refers to Christ. Holiness depends on faith. Heaven depends on holiness. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith, Holiness | Given a man full of faith, you will have a man tenacious in purpose, absorbed in one grand object, simple in his motives, in whom selfishness has been driven out by the power of a mightier love, and indolence stirred into unwearied energy. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith, Power | True faith, by a mighty effort of the will, fixes its gaze on our Divine Helper, and there finds it possible and wise to lose its fears. It is madness to say, "I will not be afraid;" it is wisdom and peace to say, "I will trust and not be afraid." Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faith | We are only asking you to give to Christ that which you give to others, to transfer the old emotions, the blessed emotions, the exercise of which makes gladness in the life here below, to transfer them to Him, and to rest safe in the Lord. Faith is trust. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Obedience | No prayer!--No faith!--No Christ in the heart. Little prayer!--Little faith!--Little Christ in the heart. Increasing prayer!--Increasing faith!--Increasing Christ in the heart!. Much prayer!--Much faith!--Much Christ in the heart! Praying always!--Faith always!--Christ always! Author: Alexander Whyte Topics: Prayer | The faith by which we are justified is faith. Faith is like a channel through which the benefits of Christ flow to us. We are not justified on account of faith; we are justified through faith. It is the work of Christ, not our faith, which is the foundation of justification. Faith itself is a gift of God. Author: Alister McGrath Topics: Faith, Justification | Faith is not something that goes against the evidence, it goes beyond it. The evidence is saying to us, 'There is another country. There is something beyond mere reason'. Author: Alister McGrath Topics: Faith | The Protestant work ethic finds its application in many contexts in the twenty-first century. Perhaps the most obvious is the phenomenon of 'faith based activism': religious groups using their faith both as a platform and a guiding principle for social engagement and voluntary work. Author: Alister McGrath Topics: Work, Service | If I cannot hear "The sound of rain' long before the rain falls, and then go out to some hilltop of the Spirit, as near to my God as I can and have faith to wait there with my face between my knees, though six times or sixty times I am told "There is nothing', till at last there arises a little cloud out of the sea, then I know nothing of Calvary love. Author: Amy Carmichael Topics: Holy Spirit, Faith | If my attitude be one of fear, not faith, about one who has disappointed me; if I say, "Just what I expected," if a fall occurs, then I know nothing of Calvary love. Author: Amy Carmichael Topics: Attitude, Fear, Disappointment | There is a practical error very common among God's people. All of them profess to believe that the Holy Spirit may convert souls at any age, and that conversion cannot take place too soon; while yet they do not look for the conversion of children with the same lively faith that they manifest in asking and expecting the Holy Spirit to change those who are of riper years. Author: Andrew Bonar Source: Banner of Truth magazine Topics: Children, Conversion | Christ will always accept the faith the puts its trust in Him. Author: Andrew Murray Topics: Faith, Trust | Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation. Author: Andrew Murray Topics: Faith | Do not strive in your own strength; cast yourself at the feet of the Lord Jesus, and wait upon Him in the sure confidence that He is with you, and works in you. Strive in prayer; let faith fill your heart-so will you be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Author: Andrew Murray Topics: Prayer, Strength, Holiness | Faith in a prayer-hearing God will make a prayer-loving Christian. Author: Andrew Murray Topics: Prayer | God has no more precious gift to a church or an age than a man who lives as an embodiment of his will, and inspires those around him with the faith of what grace can do. Author: Andrew Murray Topics: Obedience | Never try to arouse faith from within. You cannot stir up faith from the depths of your heart. Leave your heart, and look into the face of Christ. Author: Andrew Murray Topics: Faith | Give me the love that leads the way, The faith that nothing can dismay, The hope no disappointments tire, The passion that will burn like fire, Let me not sink to be a clod: Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God. - Amy Carmichael Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Faith, Holiness, Disappointment | Talk what we will of faith, if we do not trust and rely upon Him, we do not believe in Him. - Antony Farindon Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Faith, Trust | In proportion to the size of the vessel of faith, brought by us to the Lord, is the measure we draw out of His overflowing grace. - Cyprian Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Grace | Faith is a bridge across the gulf of death. - Edward Young Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Faith | Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation. - Elton Trueblood Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Faith, Believing, Trust | To be an atheist requires an infinitely greater measure of faith than to receive all the great truths which atheism would deny. - Joseph Addison Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Atheism | I believe though I do not comprehend, and I hold by faith what I cannot grasp with the mind. - Bernard of Clairvaux Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Faith | It is not the will of God to give us more troubles than will bring us to live by faith on him; he loves us too well to give us a moment of uneasiness but for our good. - William Romaine Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Faith | Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. Author: Augustine Topics: Faith | Few are they who by faith touch Him; multitudes are they who throng about Him. Author: Augustine Topics: Faith | At times one hesitates to reprove or admonish evil-doers, either because one seeks a more favorable moment or fears his rebuke might make them worse, and further, discourage weak brethren from seeking to lead a good and holy life, or turn them aside from the faith. In such circumstances forbearance is not prompted by selfish considerations but by well advised charity. Author: Augustine Source: City of God Topics: Apathy | To be assured of our salvation is no arrogant stoutness. It is faith. It is devotion. It is not presumption. It is God's promise. Author: Augustine Topics: Assurance | Christianity is the only system of faith which combines religious beliefs with corresponding principles of morality. It builds ethics on religion. Author: Austin Phelps Topics: Christianity, Morality | It is never on account of its formal nature as a psychic act that faith is conceived in Scripture to be saving. It is not, strictly speaking, even faith in Christ that saves, but Christ that saves through faith. The saving power resides exclusively, not in the act of faith or the attitude of faith or nature of faith, but in the object of faith. Author: B.B. Warfield Topics: Faith, Salvation | Our faith itself, though it be the bond of our union with Christ through which we receive all His blessings, is not our saviour. We have but one Saviour; and that one Saviour is Jesus Christ our Lord. Nothing that we are and nothing that we can do enters in the slightest measure into the ground of our acceptance with God. Jesus did it all. Author: B.B. Warfield Topics: Jesus, Salvation | A firm faith in the universal providence of God is the solution of all earthly troubles. Author: B.B. Warfield Topics: Providence | When the Christian asserts his faith in the divine origin of his Bible, he does not mean to deny that it was composed and written by men or that it was given by men to the world. He believes that the marks of its human origin are ineradicably stamped on every page of the whole volume. He means to state only that it is not merely human in its origin. Author: B.B. Warfield Topics: The Bible | When human reason has exhausted every possibility, the children can go to their Father and receive all they need. ... For only when you have become utterly dependent upon prayer and faith, only when all human possibilities have been exhausted, can you begin to reckon that God will intervene and work His miracles. Author: Basilea Schlink Topics: Reasoning, Miracles | Do not be lazy. Run each day's race with all your might, so that at the end you will receive the victory wreath from God. Keep on running even when you have had a fall. The victory wreath is won by him who does not stay down, but always gets up again, grasps the banner of faith and keeps on running in the assurance that Jesus is Victor. Author: Basilea Schlink Topics: Laziness, Perseverance | Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved, what harm will come to you if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation, that He exists. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Faith, Believing | Faith certainly tells us what the senses do not, but not the contrary of what they see; it is above, not against them. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Faith | Faith embraces many truths which seem to contradict each other. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Faith, Truth | Faith is different from proof; the latter is human, the former is a Gift from God. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Faith | In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Faith, Light | It is the heart which perceives God and not the reason. That is what faith is: God perceived by the heart, not by the reason. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Faith, The Heart | We like security: we like the pope to be infallible in matters of faith, and grave doctors to be so in moral questions so that we can feel reassured. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Apathy | Faith is a sounder guide than reason. Reason can go only so far, but faith has no limits. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Reasoning, Faith | Faith is a gift of God. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Faith | No man ever believes with a true and saving faith unless God inclines his heart; and no man when God does incline his heart can refrain from believing. Author: Blaise Pascal Topics: Believing | I'm not doubting. I don't doubt God. I have firm faith absolutely in God. It's religion I'm doubting. Author: Bono Topics: Faith, Religion | Many things are possible for the person who has hope. Even more is possible for the person who has faith. And still more is possible for the person who knows how to love. But everything is possible for the person who practices all three virtues. Author: Brother Lawrence Topics: Virtue | The Word of truth teaches in the clearest and most positive terms that all of the dead will be raised. No doctrine of the faith rests upon a more literal and emphatic body of Scripture authority than this, nor is any more vital to Christianity. Author: C.I. Scofield Topics: Doctrine, Resurrection | Nothing in the afterlife of the believer adds in the smallest degree to his title of favor with God, nor to his perfect security. Through faith alone this standing before God is conferred, and before Him the weakest person, if he be but a true believer on the Lord Jesus Christ, has precisely the same title as the most illustrious saint. Author: C.I. Scofield Topics: Heaven | The Church, saved by faith in the Messiah who came from the Jews; having in her hand the Bible which was written by the Jews; receiving her teaching solely and only through Jewish sources, became, for one thousand years, the bitter, relentless, bloody persecutor of Judaism. With that came worldliness and priestly assumption, and the Dark Ages. Author: C.I. Scofield Topics: Ignorance, Hypocrisy, Persecution | Really, a young Atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully. Dangers lie in wait for him on every side. Author: C.S. Lewis Topics: Atheism, Youth | Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith but they are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the passion of Christ. Author: C.S. Lewis Topics: Affliction, Passion | Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods. Author: C.S. Lewis Topics: Faith | Any fool can write learned language. The vernacular is the real test. If you can't turn your faith into it, then you either don't understand it or you don't believe it. Author: C.S. Lewis Topics: Faith | Apologetic work is so dangerous to one's faith. A doctrine never seems dimmer to me than when I have just successfully defended it. Author: C.S. Lewis Topics: Doctrine | To be able to look into God's face, and know with the knowledge of faith that there is nothing between the soul and Him, is to experience the fullest peace the soul can know. Whatever else pardon may be, it is above all things admission into full fellowship with God. Author: Charles H. Brent Topics: Faith, Forgiveness, Fellowship | If all Church power vests in the clergy, then the people are practically bound to passive obedience in all matters of faith and practice; for all right of private judgment is then denied. Author: Charles Hodge Topics: Power | The ultimate ground of faith and knowledge is confidence in God. Author: Charles Hodge Topics: Faith | I do not want merely to possess a faith, I want a faith that possesses me. Author: Charles Kingsley Topics: Faith | Oh! men and brethren, what would this heart feel if I could but believe that there were some among you who would go home and pray for a revival men whose faith is large enough, and their love fiery enough to lead them from this moment to exercise unceasing intercessions that God would appear among us and do wondrous things here, as in the times of former generations. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Prayer, Revival, Intercession | I have no faith in that woman who talks of grace and glory abroad, and uses no soap and water at home. Let the buttons be on the shirts, let the children's socks be mended, let the roast mutton be done to a turn, let the house be as neat as a new pin, and the home be as happy as home can be. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Family, Home |
Found 100 quotes containing your search: If professing Christians are unfaithful to the authority of their Lord in their capacity as citizens of the State, they cannot expect to be blessed by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in their capacity as members of the Church. Author: A.A. Hodge Topics: Holy Spirit | Faithful people have always been in a marked minority. Author: A.W. Pink Topics: Faithful | It's true that (many) are praying for a worldwide revival. But it would be more timely, and more scriptural, for prayer to be made to the Lord of the harvest, that He would raise up and thrust forth laborers who would fearlessly and faithfully preach those truths which are calculated to bring about a revival. Author: A.W. Pink Topics: Preaching, Revival | Faith, as Paul saw it, was a living, flaming thing leading to surrender and obedience to the commandments of Christ. Author: A.W. Tozer Topics: Faith, Obedience, Surrender | It's Satan's delight to tell me that once he's got me, he will keep me. But at that moment I can go back to God. And I know that if I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive me. Author: Alan Redpath Topics: Satan, Repentance, Forgiveness | Faith, which is trust, and fear are opposite poles. If a man has the one, he can scarcely have the other in vigorous operation. He that has his trust set upon God does not need to dread anything except the weakening or the paralyzing of that trust. Author: Alexander MacLaren Source: The Heath in the Desert and the Tree by the River, Jeremiah 17:6, 8. Topics: Faith, Fear | Oh! it irradiates all our days with lofty beauty, and it makes them all hallowed and divine, when we feel that not the apparent greatness, not the prominence nor noise with which it is done, nor the external consequences which flow from it, but the motive from which it flowed, determines the worth of our deed in God's eyes. Faithfulness is faithfulness, on whatsoever scale it be set forth. Author: Alexander MacLaren Topics: Faithful | All the paths of the Lord are loving and faithful" Psalm 25:10 I have pondered this verse lately, and have found that it feeds my spirit. All does not mean "all - except the paths I am walking in now," or "nearly all - except this especially difficult and painful path." All must mean all. So, your path with its unexplained sorrow or turmoil, and mine with its sharp flints and briers - and both our paths, with their unexplained perplexity, their sheer mystery - they are His paths, on which he will show himself loving and faithful. Nothing else; nothing less. Author: Amy Carmichael Topics: Obedience | The enemy uses all his power to lead the Christian, and above all the minister, to neglect prayer. He knows that however admirable the sermon may be, however attractive the service, however faithful the pastoral visitation, none of these things can damage him or his kingdom if prayer is neglected. Author: Andrew Murray Topics: Satan, Prayer | The reward of being 'faithful over a few things' is just the same as being 'faithful over many things' ; for the emphasis falls upon the same word; it is the 'faithful' who will enter 'into the joy of their Lord.' - Charles S. Robinson Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Faithful, Joy, Rewards | It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ! For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here. - Patrick Henry Author: Assorted Authors Topics: Christianity, Freedom, The Gospel | By faithfulness we are collected and wound up into unity within ourselves, whereas we had been scattered abroad in multiplicity. Author: Augustine Topics: Patience, Faithful, Unity | A disciplined conscience is a man's best friend. It may not be his most amiable, but it is his most faithful monitor. Author: Austin Phelps Topics: Conscience | We must do our business faithfully; without trouble or disquiet, recalling our mind to GOD mildly, and with tranquility, as often as we find it wandering from Him. Author: Brother Lawrence Topics: Contentment, Business | God's purpose in promising to reward with heavenly and eternal honors the faithful service of His saints is to win them from the pursuit of earthly riches and pleasures, to sustain them in the fires of persecution, and to encourage them in the exercise of Christian virtues. Author: C.I. Scofield Topics: Persecution, Virtue, Rewards | The promise to the Church is a promise of persecution, if faithful in this world, but a promise of a great inheritance and reward hereafter. In the meantime, she is to be a pilgrim body, passing through this scene, but abiding above. Author: C.I. Scofield Topics: Persecution, Rewards | We believe, that the work of regeneration, conversion, sanctification and faith, is not an act of man's free will and power, but of the mighty, efficacious and irresistable grace of God. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Grace, Sanctification | Saving faith is an immediate relation to Christ, accepting, receiving, resting upon Him alone, for justification, sanctification, and eternal life by virtue of God's grace. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Justification, Sanctification, Eternal Life | We have come to a turning point in the road. If we turn to the right mayhap our children and our children's children will go that way; but if we turn to the left, generations yet unborn will curse our names for having been unfaithful to God and to His Word. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Examples, Faithful | "But," say others, "God has elected them on the foresight of their faith." Now, God gives faith, therefore He could not have elected them on account of faith which He foresaw. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Faith | A faith which works not for purification will work for putrefaction. Unless our faith makes us pine after holiness, it is no better than the faith of devils, and perhaps it is not even so good as that. A holy man is the workmanship of the Holy Spirit. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Faith, Holiness | Any church which puts in the place of justification by faith in Christ another method of salvation is a harlot church. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Justification, Heresy | Faith and works are bound up in the same bundle. He that obeys God trusts God; and he that trusts God obeys God. He that is without faith is without works; and he that is without works is without faith. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Faith, Service | Faith is the surest of all sin-killers. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: Sermons, 34.393. Topics: Faith | Faith shows itself by good works. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: The Treasury of David, Psalm 15. Topics: Faith, Service | Genuine faith that saves the soul has for its main element - trust - absolute rest of the whole soul - on the Lord Jesus Christ to save me, whether He died in particular or in special to save me or not, and relying, as I am, wholly and alone on Him, I am saved. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: Sermons, v. 58, p. 583-84. Topics: Faith, Trust, Salvation | I know of nothing which I would choose to have as the subject of my ambition for life than to be kept faithful to my God till death, still to be a soul winner, still to be a true herald of the cross, and testify the name of Jesus to the last hour. It is only such who in the ministry shall be saved. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Faithful | I learn from the Scriptures that repentance is just as necessary to salvation as faith is, and the faith that has not repentance going with it will have to be repented of. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Repentance | If the faith whereby I have laid hold on Christ to be my Savior be altogether wrought in me by the Holy Ghost through grace, then I defy the devil to take away that which he never gave me or to crush that which Jehovah Himself created in me. I defy my free will to fling what it never brought to me. What God has given, created, introduced, and established in the heart, He will maintain there. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: Sermons, 36.197. Topics: Assurance, Holy Spirit | If the Lord Jehovah makes us wait, let us do so with our whole hearts; for blessed are all they that wait for Him. He is worth waiting for. The waiting itself is beneficial to us: it tries faith, exercises patience, trains submission, and endears the blessing when it comes. The Lord's people have always been a waiting people Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Waiting | It is not faith in Christ that saves you (though faith is the instrument) - it is Christ's blood and merits. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Salvation | It is not thy hold on Christ that saves thee; it is Christ. It is not thy joy in Christ that saves thee; it is Christ. It is not even thy faith in Christ, though that be the instrument; it is Christ's blood and merit. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Salvation | Let your tears fall because of sin; but, at the same time, let the eye of faith steadily behold the Son of man lifted up, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, that those who are bitten by the old serpent may look unto Jesus and live. Our sinnership is that emptiness into which the Lord pours his mercy. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Salvation, Mercy | No man hath a right to claim God as his Father, unless he feeleth in his soul, and believeth, solemnly, through the faith of God's election, that he has been adopted into the one family of which is in heaven and earth, and that he has been regenerated or born again. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Conviction, Conversion | Our prayers have stains in them, our faith is mixed with unbelief, our repentance is not so tender as it should be, our communion is distant and interrupted. We cannot pray without sinning, and there is filth even in our tears. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: Sermons, 11.135. Topics: Sin | Repentance is as much a mark of a Christian, as faith is. A very little sin, as the world calls it, is a very great sin to a true Christian. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Repentance | Some of us who have preached the Word for years, and have been the means of working faith in others and of establishing them in the knowledge of the fundamental doctrines of the Bible, have nevertheless been the subjects of the most fearful and violent doubts as to the truth of the very gospel we have preached. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: Sermons, 11.290. Topics: Doubt | The saints are sinners still. Our best tears need to be wept over, the strongest faith is mixed with unbelief, our most flaming love is cold compared with what Jesus deserves, and our intensest zeal still lacks the full fervor which the bleeding wounds and pierced heart of the crucified might claim at our hands. Our best things need a sin offering, or they would condemn us. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Sin, Zeal | The treatment of our Lord Jesus Christ by men is the clearest proof of total depravity. Those must be stony hearts indeed which can laugh at a dying Savior and mock even his faith in God! Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Rebellion | There is no more blessed way of living, than the life of faith based upon a covenant-keeping God - to know that we have no care, for He cares for us; that we need have no fear, except to fear Him; that we need have no troubles, because we have cast our burdens upon the Lord, and are conscience that He will sustain us. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Faith | They believe the doctrine of election, but they have not the faith of God's elect. They swear by final perseverance, but persevere in unbelief. They confess all the five points of Calvinism, but they have not come to the one most needful point of looking unto Jesus, that they may be saved. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: 17.531. Topics: Salvation | Those children who are of sufficient years to sin and be saved by faith have to listen to the gospel and receive it by faith. And they can do this, God the Holy Spirit helping them. There is no doubt about it, because great numbers have done it. I will not say at what age children are first capable of receiving the knowledge of Christ, but it is much earlier than some fancy. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Children, Salvation | Urgently we do need a revival of personal godliness. This is, indeed; the secret if church prosperity. When individuals fall from their steadfastness, the church is tossed to and fro; when personal faith is steadfast, the church abides true to her Lord. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: Only a Prayer Meeting, Christian Focus Publications, 2000, p. 11. Topics: Godliness | When a tear is wept by you, think not your Father does not behold; for, "Like as a father pities his children so the Lord pities them that fear Him." Your sigh is able to move the heart of Jehovah; your whisper can incline His ear unto you; your prayer can stay His hands; your faith can move His arm. Oh! think not that God sits on high in an eternal slumber, taking no account of you. Author: Charles Spurgeon Source: The Sympathy of the Two Worlds, Sermon, Luke 15:10. Topics: Trials | Yet, surely, there must be some who will fling aside the (cowardly) love of peace, and speak out for our Lord, and for His truth. A craven spirit is upon man, and their tongues are paralyzed. Oh, for an outburst of true faith and holy zeal. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Truth, Zeal | You cannot preach conviction of sin unless you have suffered it. You cannot preach repentance unless you have practiced it. You cannot preach faith unless you have exercised it. True preaching is artesian; it wells up from the great depths of the soul. If Christ has not made a well within us, there will be no outflow from us. Author: Charles Spurgeon Topics: Preaching, Conviction | Often times God demonstrates His faithfulness in adversity by providing for us what we need to survive. He does not change our painful circumstances. He sustains us through them. Author: Charles Stanley Topics: Faith, Circumstances | Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to God alone; Laughs at impossibilities, And cries it shall be done. Author: Charles Wesley Topics: Faith | In Fellowship; alone To God, with Faith, draw near, Approach His Courts, besiege His Throne With all the power of Prayer. Author: Charles Wesley Topics: Prayer, Faith, Fellowship | Many Christians 'stall out' in the faith when the call to total commitment is received or viewed as something too high or too hard to acquire...or they have never been taught that total commitment is Christ's demand for all His followers. Author: Chip Ingram Topics: Commitment | God always has and always will look for men and women who say to Him, 'I trust you so much, I'm all in. I want your way not mine. I am willing to live by faith!' Author: Chip Ingram Topics: Surrender | Obedience is the key to real faith. Author: Chuck Colson Topics: Obedience | The beautiful thing about this adventure called faith is that we can count on Him never to lead us astray. Author: Chuck Swindoll Topics: Faith, Beauty | You want to mess up the minds of your children? Here's how - guaranteed! Rear them in a legalistic, tight context of external religion, where performance is more important than reality. Fake your faith. Sneak around and pretend your spirituality . Train your children to do the same. Embrace a long list of do's and don'ts publicly but hypocritically practice them privately... yet never own up to the fact that its hypocrisy. Act one way but live another. And you can count on it - emotional and spiritual damage will occur. Author: Chuck Swindoll Topics: Children, Legalism | What we need is faith. For faith is not a tame and spineless thing that dares nothing. Real faith dares something, something big and brawny, beyond the human. Hence it brings into life the thrill of finest romance. Author: Clovis G. Chappell Topics: Faith | Faith in the sheltering wings of God does not remove physical danger or the need for precaution against it. We cannot ignore Beirut tourist advisories, or feed wild animals on our camping trips, or jump a hot motorcycle over a row of parked cars and trust God to keep us safe. We cannot smoke cigarettes like the Marlboro man and then claim the promises of Psalm 91 as our protection against lung cancer. A person who did these things would be a foolish believer and a foolish reader of Psalm 91. Author: Cornelius Plantinga Topics: Faith | Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible. Author: Corrie Ten Boom Topics: Faith | Faith is like radar that sees through the fog-the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see. Author: Corrie Ten Boom Topics: Faith | Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life. Author: Corrie Ten Boom Topics: Christmas | Faith and repentance are the same; they are not two separate decisions. One cannot trust Christ as Saviour without repenting or changing his mind. The very fact that he trusts Christ for salvation shows that he has changed his mind regarding sin, salvation, and God. Author: Curtis Hutson Topics: Faith, Repentance | Faith makes all things possible... love makes all things easy. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Faith, Love | It is a masterpiece of the devil to make us believe that children cannot understand religion. Would Christ have made a child the standard of faith if He had known that it was not capable of understanding His words? Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Satan, Children | A man can counterfeit love, he can counterfeit faith, he can counterfeit hope and all the other graces, but it is very difficult to counterfeit humility. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Humility | Joy is love exalted; peace is love in repose; long-suffering is love enduring; gentleness is love in society; goodness is love in action; faith is love on the battlefield; meekness is love in school; and temperance is love in training. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Virtue | Obedience means marching right on whether we feel like it or not. Many times we go against our feelings. Faith is one thing, feeling is another. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Obedience, Feelings | I prayed for faith and thought that some day faith would come down and strike me like lightning. But faith did not seem to come. One day I read in the tenth chapter of Romans, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." I had up to this time closed my Bible and prayed for faith. I now opened my Bible and began to study, and faith has been growing ever since. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Faith | Real true faith is man's weakness leaning on God's strength. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Faith, Weakness | There are three kinds of faith in Christ: 1. Struggling faith, like a man in deep water desperately swimming. 2. Clinging faith, like a man hanging to the side of a boat. 3. Resting faith, like a man safely within the boat (and able to reach out with a hand to help someone else get in). Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Faith | No matter how low down you are; no matter what your disposition has been; you may be low in your thoughts, words, and actions; you may be selfish; your heart may be overflowing with corruption and wickedness; yet Jesus will have compassion upon you. He will speak comforting words to you; not treat you coldly or spurn you, as perhaps those of earth would, but will speak tender words, and words of love and affection and kindness. Just come at once. He is a faithful friend - a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Compassion | God will honor our faith. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Faith | There is nothing on this earth that pleases Christ so much as faith. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Faith | Faith is the foundation of all society. We have only to look around and see this. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Faith | When I was converted twenty years ago I felt a faith in God; but five years after I had a hundred times more faith, and five years ago I had more than eve; because I became better acquainted with Him. I have read up the Word, and I see that the Lord has done so and so, and then I have turned to where He has promised to perform it, and when I see this I have reason to believe in Him. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Faith | A great many people want to bring their faith, their works, their good deeds to Him for salvation. Bring your sins, and He will bear them away into the wilderness of forgetfulness, and you will never see them again. Author: D.L. Moody Topics: Forgiveness | Memory... keeps gratitude fresh and... gratitude keeps faith fruitful. Author: Dale Ralph Davis Source: 1 Samuel, p. 77. Topics: Gratitude | Genuine faith must go beyond the mere intellectual assent concerning biblical doctrines. People must let the implications of these doctrines radically affect their hearts so that they respond positively to God with the obedience and works of faith. Author: Daniel Fuller Source: The Unity of the Bible Topics: Faith | We understand why in the Bible repentance precedes faith. Before people find their need -- love met in God, they are looking to other things, often money, for satisfaction. So believing in God has to involve a 180-degree turn away (that is, repentance) from the love of money to find contentment and confidence for the future simply in knowing God and depending on His promises. Author: Daniel Fuller Source: The Unity of the Bible Topics: Repentance, Money, The Future | As you step into the battle for truth, God will supply all you need, and your faith will grow ever stronger in Him. The church needs more "Davids"--men and women ready to be used in defense of the truth against the "giants" of unbelief. Author: Dave Hunt Topics: Truth, Faith, Unbelief | My attitude was and still is like that of David, who was ashamed that the armies of Israel would tremble before Goliath. Without hesitation he stepped forward with complete confidence in the God who had proven Himself to be faithful (1 Sam 17). For David, the size of the giant was irrelevant. Author: Dave Hunt Topics: Faithful, Attitude | The key to our lives as Christians today is how clearly we "see" by faith the resurrected Christ. Author: Dave Hunt Topics: Faith, Resurrection | As the most extravagant errors were received among the established articles of their faith, so the most infamous vices obtained in their practice, and were indulged not only with impunity, but authorized by the sanction of their laws. Author: David Brainerd Topics: Ignorance | Further, Take heed that you faithfully perform the business you have to do in the world, from a regard to the commands of God; and not from an ambitious desire of being esteemed better than others. Author: David Brainerd Topics: Stewardship, Business | We should always look upon ourselves as God's servants, placed in God's world, to do his work; and accordingly labour faithfully for him; not with a design to grow rich and great, but to glorify God, and do all the good we possibly can. Author: David Brainerd Topics: Service | How weak soever the believer finds himself, and how powerful soever he perceives his enemy to be, it is all one to him, he hath no more to do but to put faith on work, and to wait till God works. Author: David Dickson Topics: Faith | God's love is his holiness reaching out to sinners; grace is but the price that his love pays to his holiness; the cross is but its victory over sin and death; and faith is but the way in which we bring our worship to him who is holy. Author: David F. Wells Topics: Grace, The Cross, Faith | Loving the world destroys our relationship with God, it denies our faith in God, and it discounts our future with God. Author: David Jeremiah Topics: Apathy, The Future, Relationships | When our lives are filled with peace, faith and joy, people will want to know what we have. Author: David Jeremiah Topics: Examples, Holiness, Joy | As I look back over fifty years of ministry, I recall innumerable tests, trials and times of crushing pain. But through it all, the Lord has proven faithful, loving, and totally true to all his promises. Author: David Wilkerson Topics: Trials | It matters little what form of prayer we adopt or how many words we use. What matters is the faith which lays hold on God, knowing that He knows our needs before we even ask Him. That is what gives Christian prayer its boundless confidence and its joyous certainty. Author: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Topics: Prayer, Faith, Joy | What I had was heart and faith and I said I'm going to do this for every convict alive and I'm going to make sure the world knows just because we fell one time doesn't mean we can't get up and let our light shine. Author: Duane Chapman Topics: Faith, Perseverance | Faith, and hope, and patience and all the strong, beautiful, vital forces of piety are withered and dead in a prayerless life. The life of the individual believer, his personal salvation, and personal Christian graces have their being, bloom, and fruitage in prayer. Author: E.M. Bounds Topics: Prayer, Piety, Patience | Natural ability and educational advantages do not figure as factors in this matter of prayer; but a capacity for faith, the power of a thorough consecration, the ability of self-littleness, an absolute losing of one's self in God's glory and an ever present and insatiable yearning and seeking after all the fullness of God. Author: E.M. Bounds Topics: Prayer, Faith, Humility | Our praying, to be strong, must be buttressed by holy living. The life of faith perfects the prayer of faith. Author: E.M. Bounds Topics: Prayer, Holiness, Faith | Prayer, like faith, obtains promises, enlarges their operation, and adds to the measure of their results. Author: E.M. Bounds Topics: Prayer | Trust is faith that has become absolute, approved, and accomplished. When all is said and done, there is a sort of risk in faith and its exercise. But trust is firm belief; it is faith in full bloom. Trust is a conscious act, a fact of which we are aware. Author: E.M. Bounds Topics: Trust, Peace, Believing | Trials should not surprise us, or cause us to doubt God's faithfulness. Rather, we should actually be glad for them. God sends trials to strengthen our trust in him so that our faith will not fail. Our trials keep us trusting; they burn away our self confidence and drive us to our Saviour. Author: Edmund Clowney Topics: Trials, Faith | There are those who insist that it is a very bad thing to question God. To them, "why?" is a rude question. That depends, I believe, on whether it is an honest search, in faith, for His meaning, or whether it is the challenge of unbelief and rebellion. Author: Elisabeth Elliot Topics: Rebellion, Unbelief | This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God's way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness. Author: Elisabeth Elliot Topics: Service, Obedience | Faith is not an instinct. It certainly is not a feeling - feelings don't help much when you're in the lions' den or hanging on a wooden Cross. Faith is not inferred from the happy way things work. It is an act of will, a choice, based on the unbreakable Word of a God who cannot lie, and who showed us what love and obedience and sacrifice mean, in the person of Jesus Christ. Author: Elisabeth Elliot Source: Secure in the Everlasting Arms, Revell, 2002 Topics: Faith, Feelings | Faith bears Fruit. It cannot help it, because it links the soul with Christ, so that the energy of His life pours into it through the artery of faith, and, as it comes in, so it must make a way for itself out. Author: F.B. Meyer Topics: Faith |