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A church has no right to make anything a condition of membership which Christ has not made a condition of salvation.

    Author: A.A. Hodge
    Topics: Church, Salvation

We need a quickening of faith; faith in the power of the God of Pentecost to convict and convert three thousand in a day. Faith, not in a process of culture by which we hope to train children into a state of salvation, but faith in the mighty God who can quicken a dead soul into life in a moment; faith in moral and spiritual revolution rather than evolution.

    Author: A.C. Dixon
    Topics: Faith, Salvation

In contradistinction to the Gospel of Christ, the gospel of Satan teaches salvation by works.

    Author: A.W. Pink
    Topics: Satan, Salvation

The gospel of Satan announces salvation by character, which reverses the order of God's Word--character by, as the fruit of, salvation.

    Author: A.W. Pink
    Topics: Satan, Salvation

The nature of Christ's salvation is woefully misrepresented by the present-day evangelist. He announces a Saviour from Hell rather than a Saviour from sin. And that is why so many are fatally deceived, for there are multitudes who wish to escape the Lake of fire who have no desire to be delivered from their carnality and worldliness.

    Author: A.W. Pink
    Topics: Salvation, Heresy, Carnality

Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God. Our "accepting" and "willing" are reactions rather than actions. The right of determination must always remain with God.

    Author: A.W. Tozer
    Topics: Salvation, Choices

Salvation apart from obedience is unknown in the sacred Scriptures... Apart from obedience there can be no salvation, for salvation without obedience is a self-contradictory impossibility.

    Author: A.W. Tozer
    Topics: Obedience

Christ is the very epitome of innocence, and without the blood of Christ, shed on Calvary, God's plan of salvation would not have been fulfilled.

    Author: Alan Keyes
    Topics: Salvation

Surely scripture is right when it makes the sin of sins that unbelief, which is at bottom nothing else than a refusal to take the cup of salvation. Surely no sharper grief can be inflicted upon the Spirit of God than when we leave His gifts neglected and unappropriated.

    Author: Alexander MacLaren
    Topics: Unbelief

The cup which my Saviour giveth me, can it be anything but a cup of salvation?

    Author: Alexander MacLaren
    Topics: Salvation

The protestant martyrs and their monuments testify to the fact that they died, not on account of ecclesial differences, but because the issue was the way of salvation.

    Author: Alistair Begg
    Topics: Salvation

Salvation comes through a cross and a crucified Christ.

    Author: Andrew Murray
    Topics: Salvation, The Cross

As our Lord asked the sick man whether he wished to be healed, so, without our consent, He will not save us; and sinners are without excuse for not consenting to the will of the Lord and their own salvation.
- Cardinal Bonaventura

    Author: Assorted Authors
    Topics: Salvation, Healing, Illness

If thou sin, the word of God is thy adversary. It is the adversary of thy will till it become the author of thy salvation.

    Author: Augustine
    Topics: Scripture, Salvation

Salvation is God's way of making us real people.

    Author: Augustine
    Topics: Salvation

To be assured of our salvation is no arrogant stoutness. It is faith. It is devotion. It is not presumption. It is God's promise.

    Author: Augustine
    Topics: Assurance

The one is addressed generally to all intelligent creatures, and is therefore accessible to all men; the other is addressed to a special class of sinners, to whom God would make known His salvation. The one has in view to meet and supply the natural need of creatures for knowledge of their God; the other to rescue broken and deformed sinners from their sin and its consequences.

    Author: B.B. Warfield
    Source: Revelation and Inspiration.
    Topics: Sin

I am not the author of the plan of salvation, but I am responsible for the way I preach it.

    Author: Billy Sunday
    Topics: Preaching

What can I give back to God for the blessings he's poured out on me? I'll lift high the cup of salvation - a toast to God!

    Author: Bono
    Topics: Blessings, Salvation

A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a miserable world-and might be even more difficult to save.

    Author: C.S. Lewis
    Topics: Salvation

He may not be able to put together two sentences of the Queen's English, but if he can say that he has been born again, if he can say "once I was blind but now I see", he will do for The Salvation Army.

    Author: Catherine Booth
    Topics: Evangelism

The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Self-righteousness

Any church which puts in the place of justification by faith in Christ another method of salvation is a harlot church.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Justification, Heresy

From the Word of God I gather that damnation is all of man, from top to bottom, and salvation is all of grace, from first to last. He that perishes chooses to perish; but he that is saved is saved because God has chosen to save him.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Salvation, Grace

I learn from the Scriptures that repentance is just as necessary to salvation as faith is, and the faith that has not repentance going with it will have to be repented of.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Repentance

I take it that the highest proof of Christ's power is not that He offers salvation, not that He bids you take it if you will, but that when you reject it, when you hate it, when you despise it, He has a power whereby he can change your mind, make you think differently from your former thoughts, and turn you from the error of your ways.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Conviction

If anyone should ask me what I mean by a Calvinist, I should reply, "He is one who says, Salvation is of the Lord." I cannot find in Scripture any other doctrine than this. It is the essence of the Bible.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Source: Sermon, A Defense of Calvinism.
    Topics: Salvation

Let this be to you the mark of true Gospel preaching - where Christ is everything, and the creature is nothing; where it is salvation all of grace, through the work of the Holy Spirit applying to the soul the precious blood of Jesus.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Source: Sermons, 42.586.
    Topics: Salvation

Not that our salvation should be the effect of our work, but our work should be the evidence of our salvation.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Salvation, Service

There are two great truths which from this platform I have proclaimed for many years. The first is that salvation is free to every man who will have it; the second is that God gives salvation to a people whom He has chosen; and these truths are not in conflict with each other in the least degree.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Salvation

We say that Christ so died that He infallibly secured the salvation of a multitude that no man can number, who through Christ's death not only may be saved, but are saved, must be saved, and cannot by any possibility run the hazard of being anything but saved.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Salvation

You will find all true theology summed up in these two short sentences: Salvation is all of the grace of God. Damnation is all of the will of man.

    Author: Charles Spurgeon
    Topics: Theology, Salvation

I think there are many who would like to be saved but have been presented the faulty idea that repentance is turning from sin and therefore they are convinced that they cannot be saved. Oh, if we would only make salvation plain and explain to men that we are not saved by doing anything; rather we are saved by trusting in what Jesus has already done.

    Author: Curtis Hutson
    Topics: Salvation, Repentance

I am glad when I see someone troubled over his sins, but we must be very careful in presenting the plan of salvation not to insist that a person have a certain degree of sorrow before he can be saved. That is not repentance, and such a requirement for salvation is not found in the Bible.

    Author: Curtis Hutson
    Topics: Repentance

Faith and repentance are the same; they are not two separate decisions. One cannot trust Christ as Saviour without repenting or changing his mind. The very fact that he trusts Christ for salvation shows that he has changed his mind regarding sin, salvation, and God.

    Author: Curtis Hutson
    Topics: Faith, Repentance

The thief had nails through both hands, so that he could not work; and a nail through each foot, so that he could not run errands for the Lord; he could not lift a hand or a foot toward his salvation, and yet Christ offered him the gift of God; and he took it. Christ threw him a passport, and took him into Paradise.

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Source: Day by Day with D.L Moody, Moody Press.
    Topics: Salvation

Salvation is worth working for. It is worth a man's going round the world on his hands and knees, climbing its mountains, crossing its valleys, swimming its rivers, going through all manner of hardship in order to attain it. But we do not get it in that way. It is to him who believes.

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Topics: Salvation

I believe hundreds of Christian people are being deceived by Satan now on this point, that they have not got the assurance of salvation just because they are not willing to take God at His word.

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Topics: Assurance

What can botanists tell you of the lily of the valley? You must study this book for that. What can geologists tell you of the Rock of Ages, or mere astronomers about the Bright Morning Star? In those pages we find all knowledge unto salvation; here we read of the ruin of man by nature, redemption by the blood, and regeneration by the Holy Ghost. These three things run all through and through them.

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Topics: The Bible

A man who has not realized what the blood has done for him has not the token of salvation. It is told of Julian, the apostate, that while he was fighting he received an arrow in his side. He pulled it out, and, taking a handful of blood threw it into the air and cried, "Galilean, Galilean, thou hast conquered."

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Topics: Salvation

Believing and confessing go together; and you cannot be be saved without you take them both. "With the mouth confession is made unto salvation." If you ever see the kingdom of heaven you have to take this way.

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Topics: Believing, Confession

The grace of God hath power to bring salvation to all men, and if a man is unsaved it is because he wants to work it out; he wants to receive salvation in some other way than God's way; but we are told that "he that climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber."

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Topics: Salvation

A great many people want to bring their faith, their works, their good deeds to Him for salvation. Bring your sins, and He will bear them away into the wilderness of forgetfulness, and you will never see them again.

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Topics: Forgiveness

Do you believe that He would send those men out to preach the gospel to every creature unless he wanted every creature to be saved? Do you believe He would tell them to preach it to people without giving people the power to accept it? Do you believe the God of heaven is mocking men by offering them his gospel and not giving them the power to take hold of it? Do you believe He will not give men power to accept this salvation as a gift? Man might do that, but God never mocks men. And when he says "Preach the gospel to every creature," every creature can be saved if he will.

    Author: D.L. Moody
    Topics: Salvation

To attempt to pay for salvation with church membership, prayers, or good deeds is an insult to Christ, who paid the full price--and is a rejection of the gift of God's grace.

    Author: Dave Hunt
    Topics: Salvation, Pride

We are a long time in learning that all our strength and salvation is in God.

    Author: David Brainerd
    Topics: Strength, Contentment, Learning

Faith, and hope, and patience and all the strong, beautiful, vital forces of piety are withered and dead in a prayerless life. The life of the individual believer, his personal salvation, and personal Christian graces have their being, bloom, and fruitage in prayer.

    Author: E.M. Bounds
    Topics: Prayer, Piety, Patience

How often God takes away our consolations, that we may only love Him for Himself; and reveals our sinfulness, that we may better appreciate the completeness of his salvation!

    Author: F.B. Meyer
    Topics: Sin, Salvation

The certainty of our salvation rests on the character of God.

    Author: F.B. Meyer
    Topics: Salvation

Paul's claim [was] that the message he preached was the authentic gospel of Christ. It is this: two things on which Paul pre-eminently insisted - that salvation was provided by God's grace and that faith was the means by which men appropriated it.

    Author: F.F. Bruce
    Source: Paul - Apostle of the Heart Set Free
    Topics: The Gospel

If thou wouldst be justified, acknowledge thine injustice. He that confesses his sin, begins his journey toward salvation. He that is sorry for it, mends his pace. He that forsakes it, is at his journey's end.

    Author: Francis Quarles
    Topics: Salvation, Repentance, Justification

In these two things the greatness of man consists, to have God so dwelling in us as to impart his character to us, and to have him so dwelling in us that we recognize his presence, and know that we are his, and he is ours. The one is salvation: the other the assurance of it.

    Author: Frederick W. Robertson
    Topics: Character, Holy Spirit, Assurance

Christians do not practically remember that while we are saved by grace, altogether by grace, so that in the matter of salvation works are altogether excluded; yet that so far as the rewards of grace are concerned, in the world to come, there is an intimate connection between the life of the Christian here and the enjoyment and the glory in the day of Christ's appearing.

    Author: George Mueller
    Source: George Muller of Bristol and His Witness to a Prayer Hearing God, by Arthur T. Pierson
    Topics: Grace

And now let me address all of you, high and low, rich and poor, one with another, to accept of mercy and grace while it is offered to you; Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation; and will you not accept it, now it is offered unto you?

    Author: George Whitefield
    Topics: Salvation

God has condescended to become an author, and yet people will not read his writings. There are very few that ever gave this Book of God, the grand charter of salvation, one fair reading through.

    Author: George Whitefield
    Source: Christian History, Issue 38.
    Topics: Scripture

The martyrs to vice far exceed the martyrs to virtue, both in endurance and in number. So blinded are we to our passions, that we suffer more to insure perdition than salvation.

    Author: Hannah More
    Topics: Virtue, Apathy, Endurance

Sight is not faith, and hearing is not faith, neither is feeling faith; but believing when we neither see, hear, nor feel is faith; and everywhere the Bible tells us our salvation is to be by faith. Therefore we must believe before we feel, and often against our feelings, if we would honor God by our faith.

    Author: Hannah Whitall Smith
    Topics: Believing, Feelings

Neglect does more for the soul than make it miss salvation. It despoils it of its capacity for salvation.

    Author: Henry Drummond
    Source: Natural Law, Degeneration, p. 110.
    Topics: Apathy

Each man, in the silence of his own soul, must work out this salvation for himself with fear and trembling--with fear, realizing the momentous issues of his task; with trembling, lest, before the tardy work be done, the voice of Death should summon him to stop.

    Author: Henry Drummond
    Source: Natural Law, Degeneration, p. 118.
    Topics: Salvation

Just because God worketh in him, as the evidence and triumph of it, the true child of God works out his own salvation--works it out having really received it--not as a light thing, a superfluous labour, but with fear and trembling as a reasonable and indispensable service.

    Author: Henry Drummond
    Source: Natural Law, p. 335.
    Topics: Salvation

The natural life, not less than the eternal, is the gift of God. But life in either case is the beginning of growth and not the end of grace. To pause where we should begin, to retrograde where we should advance, to seek a mechanical security that we may cover inertia and find a wholesale salvation in which there is no personal sanctification--this is Parasitism.

    Author: Henry Drummond
    Source: Natural Law, p. 336.
    Topics: Eternal Life

Salvation is a definite process. If a man refuse to submit himself to that process, clearly he cannot have the benefits of it. "As many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God." He does not avail himself of this power. It may be mere carelessness or apathy. Nevertheless the neglect is fatal. He cannot escape because he will not.

    Author: Henry Drummond
    Source: Natural Law, p. 109.
    Topics: Salvation

To be born again is, as it were, to enter upon a new existence, to have a new mind, a new heart, new views, new principles, new tastes, new affections, new likings, new dislikings, new fears, new joys, new sorrows, new love to things once hated, new hatred to things once loved, new thoughts of God, and ourselves, and the world, and the life to come, and salvation.

    Author: J.C. Ryle
    Topics: Conversion

Calvary not merely made possible the salvation of those for whom Christ died; it ensured that they would be brought to faith and their salvation made actual.

    Author: J.I. Packer
    Topics: The Cross

Christians in revival are accordingly found living in God's presence (Coram Deo), attending to His Word, feeling acute concern about sin and righteousness, rejoicing in the assurance of Christ's love and their own salvation, spontaneously constant in worship, and tirelessly active in witness and service, fueling these activities by praise and prayer.

    Author: J.I. Packer
    Source: Marks of Revival, Revival Commentary, v. 1, n. 1.
    Topics: Revival

When we pray for any virtue, we should cultivate the virtue as well as pray for it; the form of your prayer should be the rule of your life; every petition to God is a precept to man. Look not, therefore, upon your prayers as a method of good and salvation only, but as a perpetual monition of duty. By what we require of God we see what he requires of us.

    Author: Jeremy Taylor
    Topics: Prayer, Virtue

We could not take one step in the pursuit of holiness if God in His grace had not first delivered us from the dominion of sin and brought us into union with His risen Son. Salvation is by grace and sanctification is by grace.

    Author: Jerry Bridges
    Topics: Sanctification, Salvation, Grace

There are two 'courts' we must deal with: the court of God in Heaven and the court of conscience in our souls. When we first trust in Christ for salvation, God's court is forever satisfied. Never again will a charge of guilt be brought against us in Heaven. Our consciences, however, are continually pronouncing us guilty. That is the function of conscience. Therefore, we must by faith bring the verdict of conscience into line with the verdict of Heaven. We do this by agreeing with our conscience about our guilt, but then reminding it that our guilt has already been borne by Christ.

    Author: Jerry Bridges
    Topics: Justice, Forgiveness, Conscience

We tend to give an unbeliever just enough of the gospel to get him or her to pray a prayer to receive Christ. Then we immediately put the gospel on the shelf, so to speak, and go on to the duties of discipleship. The grace that brought salvation to you is the same grace that teaches or disciplines you. But you must respond on the basis of grace, not law.

    Author: Jerry Bridges
    Topics: The Gospel, Grace, Discipleship

I'm not knocking the poor homosexual, I'm not. They need salvation just like anybody else.

    Author: Jimmy Swaggart
    Topics: Salvation

Since no man is excluded from calling upon God the gate of salvation is open to all. There is nothing else to hinder us from entering, but our own unbelief.

    Author: John Calvin
    Topics: Salvation, Unbelief

Justification is the main hinge on which salvation turns.

    Author: John Calvin
    Topics: Justification

Those who disrupt the body of Christ and split its unity into schisms are quite excluded from the hope of salvation, so long as they remain in dissidence of this kind.

    Author: John Calvin
    Topics: Unity

A dreadful thing is the love of money! It disables both eyes and ears, and makes men worse to deal with than a wild beast, allowing a man to consider neither conscience nor friendship nor fellowship nor salvation.

    Author: John Chrysostom
    Topics: Money, Fellowship, Men

The Bible is God's declaratory revelation to man containing the great truths about God, about man, about history, about salvation, and about prophecy that God wanted us to know. The Bible could be trusted just as much as if God had taken the pen and written the words Himself.

    Author: John F. Walvoord
    Topics: The Bible

This attitude of complete submission and complete trust is of course the key to working out our own salvation in fear and trembling and is the mark of a truly spiritual Christian.

    Author: John F. Walvoord
    Topics: Submission

The question in salvation is not whether Jesus is Lord, but whether we are submissive to His lordship.

    Author: John MacArthur
    Topics: Submission

Many are convinced, who are not truly enlightened; are afraid of the consequences of sin, though they never saw its evil; have a seeming desire of salvation, which is not founded upon a truly spiritual discovery of their own wretchedness, and the excellency of Jesus.

    Author: John Newton
    Topics: Pride, Ignorance

Your Lord is a God of mercy and bountifulness: be a source of mercy and bountifulness to your neighbours. If you will be such, you will find salvation yourself with everlasting glory.

    Author: John of Kronstadt
    Topics: Mercy

The enemy of our salvation especially strives to draw our heart and mind away from God when we are about to serve Him, and endeavours to adulterously attach our heart to something irrelevant. Be always, every moment, with God, especially when you pray to Him. If you are inconstant, you will fall away from life, and will cast yourself into sorrow and straitness.

    Author: John of Kronstadt
    Topics: Satan, Service

Good works are indispensable to salvation - not as its ground or means, however, but as its consequence and evidence.

    Author: John Stott
    Topics: Service

Universalism, fashionable as it is today, is incompatible with the teaching of Christ and His apostles, and is a deadly enemy of evangelism. The true universalism of the Bible is the call to universal evangelism in obedience to Christ's universal commission. It is the conviction that not all men will be saved in the end, but that all men must hear the gospel of salvation before the end.

    Author: John Stott
    Topics: Heresy

We must never think of salvation as a kind of transaction between God and us in which He contributes grace and we contribute faith. For we were dead and had to be quickened before we could believe. No, Christ's apostles clearly teach elsewhere that saving faith too is God's gracious gift.

    Author: John Stott
    Topics: Salvation

If there be ground for you to trust in your own righteousness, then, all that Christ did to purchase salvation, and all that God did to prepare the way for it is in vain.

    Author: Jonathan Edwards
    Topics: Salvation, Righteousness

However tiring our work may be, how could it ever be tiresome? How could it be anything less than a joy to serve the One who has given us all things for life, and enrichment, and enjoyment? Jesus, who suffered so much to secure our salvation.

    Author: Joni Eareckson Tada
    Topics: Salvation, Jesus, Service

For all their raving, ranting, and name-calling, these atheists will stand before God one day--and they will exist for eternity, though sadly they will be separated from God unless they repent and receive the free gift of salvation.

    Author: Ken Ham
    Topics: Atheism, Salvation

I came all this way for a reason. Today is the day of salvation. Trust Jesus to save you. Then be sincere as God knows a pretender.

    Author: Kirk Cameron
    Topics: Salvation, Trust

Is it not wonderful news to believe that salvation lies outside ourselves?

    Author: Martin Luther
    Topics: Salvation

The recognition of sin is the beginning of salvation.

    Author: Martin Luther
    Topics: Sin, Repentance

Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.

    Author: Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Topics: Life

Come, and see the victories of the cross. Christ's wounds are thy healings, His agonies thy repose, His conflicts thy conquests, His groans thy songs, His pains thine ease, His shame thy glory, His death thy life, His sufferings thy salvation.

    Author: Matthew Henry
    Topics: The Cross

The purpose of the Bible? Salvation. God's highest passion is to get His children home. His book, the Bible, describes His plan of salvation. The purpose of the Bible is to proclaim god's plan and passion to save His children.

    Author: Max Lucado
    Topics: The Bible

Though the Bible was written over sixteen centuries by at least forty authors, it has one central theme--salvation through faith in Christ.

    Author: Max Lucado
    Topics: The Bible, Salvation

Whenever we receive Communion, we must do so in humility and brokenness before God. We must rejoice and be grateful and thankful for our salvation.

    Author: Michael Youssef
    Topics: Humility, Brokenness

The inner change, justification, is effected at the moment of salvation. The outer change in the believer's daily walk, sanctification, continues throughout life. But the progressive work of sanctification is only fully effective when the radical, inner transformation of justification is realized and appropriated by faith.

    Author: Neil T. Anderson
    Topics: Salvation, Sanctification, Justification

God puts Christ's enemies as a footstool beneath His feet, for their salvation as well as their destruction.

    Author: Origen
    Topics: Justice

This also is a part of the teaching of the Church, that there are certain angels of God, and certain good influences, which are His servants in accomplishing the salvation of men.

    Author: Origen
    Topics: Angels

If in preaching the gospel you substitute your knowledge of the way of salvation for confidence in the power of the gospel, you hinder people from getting to reality.

    Author: Oswald Chambers
    Topics: Salvation, The Gospel

If the final decision for the salvation of fallen sinners were left in the hands of fallen sinners, we would despair all hope that anyone would be saved.

    Author: R.C. Sproul
    Topics: Salvation

The love of a wife to her husband may begin from the supply of her necessities, but afterwards she may love him also for the sweetness of his person; so the soul first loves Christ for salvation but when she is brought to Him and finds what sweetness there is in Him then she loves Him for Himself.

    Author: Richard Sibbes
    Topics: Marriage, Salvation

Found 36 quotes containing your search:

Through salvation our past has been forgiven, our present is given meaning, and out future is secured.

    Author: Rick Warren
    Topics: Salvation, The Future

There is something inexpressibly pleasing to a justified mind to know that God has all the honor in our salvation, and we have none; to know that God's honor is not violated, but on the contrary, shines more illustrious; to know that God's law is not injured, but magnified and made honorable; to know that we are safe, and God has all the glory.

    Author: Robert Murray McCheyne
    Topics: God

See that you buy the field where the Pearl is; sell all, and make a purchase of salvation. Think it not easy: for it is a steep ascent to eternal glory: many are lying dead by the way, slain with security.

    Author: Samuel Rutherford
    Topics: Salvation

We may sing beforehand, even in our winter storm, in the expectation of a summer sun at the turn of the year; no created powers can mar our Lord Jesus' music, nor spill our song of joy. Let us then be glad and rejoice in the salvation of our Lord; for faith had never yet cause to have wet cheeks, and hanging-down brows, or to droop or die.

    Author: Samuel Rutherford
    Topics: Contentment, Salvation

For those who have not yet turned to the Lord for His salvation, their condition of suffering often creates compelling opportunities for them to cry out to God for His help. To those who do so in truth, He shows His mercy for their temporal plight and provides grace for their new life in Christ and their eternal destiny.

    Author: T.A. McMahon
    Topics: Suffering, Salvation

Salvation is the root--the resurrection is the fruit.

    Author: T.D. Jakes
    Topics: Salvation, Resurrection

It is a shame for a person to have been a Christian for years but not to have advanced beyond the knowledge of his salvation.

    Author: Theodore Epp
    Topics: Christians, Apathy

He that seeketh anything else but simply God and the salvation of his soul, will find nothing but trouble and sorrow.

    Author: Thomas a Kempis
    Topics: Obedience, Faithful

Even the tired horse, when he comes near home, mends pace: be good always, without weariness, but best at last; that the nearer thou comest to the end of thy days, the nearer thou mayest be to the end of thy hopes, the salvation of thy soul.

    Author: Thomas Adams
    Topics: Perseverance

Human salvation demands the divine disclosure of truths surpassing reason.

    Author: Thomas Aquinas
    Topics: Salvation, Truth

There is but one Church in which men find salvation, just as outside the ark of Noah it was not possible for anyone to be saved.

    Author: Thomas Aquinas
    Topics: Salvation

Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do.

    Author: Thomas Aquinas
    Topics: Salvation

If there is anything excellent, it is salvation; if there be anything necessary, it is working out salvation; if there be any tool to work with, tis holy fear.

    Author: Thomas Watson
    Source: The One Thing Necessary
    Topics: Salvation, Fear

But when you take the Bible literally, for what it says, you have to come back to the fact that there is only one way of salvation; there's only one Savior.

    Author: Tim LaHaye
    Topics: Salvation, The Bible

It is not right to credit salvation to good works. It is right and necessary, however, to expect good works to follow salvation. Salvation is not the result of good works, but good works are the result of salvation.

    Author: Tom Wells
    Source: Christian: Take Heart! 1987, p. 149.
    Topics: Salvation

What, then, is fruit? In the New Testament we find that fruit is all the things that we may reasonably expect to follow upon our knowing Christ. The good works and godly attitudes that spring from our salvation are our fruit. And the Spirit who fills us is their author. Paul gives us a partial list in Galatians 5:22-23.

    Author: Tom Wells
    Source: Christian: Take Heart! 1987, p. 63.
    Topics: Service

There were many who saw the babe, but did not see the salvation.
- Author Unknown

    Author: Unknown Authors
    Topics: Christ, Christmas, Salvation

Salvation is a helmet, not a nightcap.

    Author: Vance Havner
    Topics: Salvation

If a Christian remains in a carnal condition long after experiencing new birth, he hinders God's salvation from realizing its full potential and manifestation. Only when he is growing in grace, constantly governed by the spirit, can salvation be wrought in him.

    Author: Watchman Nee
    Topics: Christians, Grace, Carnality

What is salvation? It is none other than God saving man out of himself into Himself. Salvation has two facets: a cutting off and a uniting with. What is cut off is self; the uniting is with God.

    Author: Watchman Nee
    Topics: Salvation

That is what it means to be saved. You declare that you belong to another system of things. People point to you and say, "Oh, yes, that is a Christian family; they belong to the Lord!" That is the salvation which the Lord desires for you, that by your public testimony you declare before God, "My world has gone; I am entering into another.

    Author: Watchman Nee
    Topics: Salvation

In saving the world, therefore, He does not try to alter man's flesh; He instead gives man a new life in order to help put it to death. The flesh must die. This is salvation.

    Author: Watchman Nee
    Topics: Salvation

It is imperative that man receive God's life. The way of salvation cannot be in human reform, for "death" is irreparable. Sin must be judged before there can be rescue out of death. Exactly this is what has been provided by the salvation of the Lord Jesus.

    Author: Watchman Nee
    Topics: Salvation

To be freed from sin is not a difficult task when viewed in the light of the finished, perfect and complete salvation of God. A believer must proceed to learn the more advanced and perhaps more formidable and deeper lesson of abhorring his life.

    Author: Watchman Nee
    Topics: Sin, Obedience

The Apostle put to those at Corinth this question: "Do you not know that God's Spirit dwells in you?" (1 Cor. 3:16). Paul seemed to be surprised at their ignorance of such a sure fact. He viewed the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as the foremost consequence of salvation, so how could they miss it?

    Author: Watchman Nee
    Topics: Holy Spirit, Salvation

I must assert in the most unqualified way that it is primarily and mainly for the sake of saving the soul that I seek the salvation of the body.

    Author: William Booth
    Topics: Salvation

I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell.

    Author: William Booth
    Topics: Religion, Christianity, Apathy

Take heart therefore, O ye saints, and be strong; your cause is good, God himself espouseth your quarrel, who hath appointed you his own Son, General of the field, called 'the Captain of our salvation.'

    Author: William Gurnall
    Topics: Service, Jesus

Our salvation is not in some father or human instruments. It is sad to see people so blinded, worshiping the creature more than the Creator.

    Author: William J. Seymour
    Topics: Salvation

So many today are worshiping in the mountains, big churches, stone and frame buildings. But Jesus teaches that salvation is not in these stone structures--not in the mountains--not in the hills, but in God.

    Author: William J. Seymour
    Topics: Worship

There are many wells today, but they are dry. There are many hungry souls today that are empty. But let us come to Jesus and take Him at His Word and we will find wells of salvation, and be able to draw waters out of the well of salvation, for Jesus is that well.

    Author: William J. Seymour
    Topics: Jesus, Contentment

As all types and figures in the Law were but empty shadows without the coming of Christ, so the New Testament is but a dead letter without the Holy Spirit in redeemed men as the living power of a full salvation.

    Author: William Law
    Topics: Scripture, Holy Spirit, Redemption

The only thing of our very own which we contribute to our salvation is the sin which makes it necessary.

    Author: William Temple
    Topics: Sin, Salvation

When you are not sure of your salvation, it is very easy to get discouraged and to backslide.

    Author: Zac Poonen
    Topics: Assurance, Backsliding

Humility of heart is the first step to salvation.

    Author: Zac Poonen
    Topics: Humility

Sin came through the pride of Lucifer and salvation came through the humility of Jesus.

    Author: Zac Poonen
    Topics: Sin, Pride, Humility

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